
Celtic Udah Kelas 12

Wah, ternyata udah lama ni nggak di update blognya. Pastinya banyak cerita yang terlewatkan. Ya, tentu saja. Apalagi, anak-anak Celtic sekarang udah kelas 12, ya kelas 12, dan bentar lagi akan jadi anak-anak kuliahan. Hehehe… Oke, sekarang yang nulis mau cerita ni, hmmm… Dimulai dari mana ya? Oyah, pas naik kelas! Siapa kah yang jadi bintangnya?

Rapor kenaikan kelas
Selesai juga akhirnya kelas 11, dan selamat datang kelas 12, lalu siapa yang juara kelas ni? Ternyata tidak lain dan tidak bukan, 3 besar tidak lengser, mereka masih bertengger, bertahan selama 3 semester. Walaupun semester ini posisi kedua dan ketiga berubah. Dan yang juara 1 tetap, Violen Amelia (Olen). Yang berubah posisi Envirani Lestari (Vira) jadi juara kedua, dengan Agung Panji (Pancul) juara ketiga. Congratulation bro… hehehe.

Liburan seru
24 anak celtic habis-habisan refreshing selama liburan ni, gimana nggak, 1 semester, yang berarti 6 bulan, yang artinya ada lebih kurang 180 hari, yang artinya ada 4320 jam, yang artinya lebih kurang ada 15552000 detik, dipusingkan dengan UB, tugas, presentasi, dan segala-segala tentang sekolah, tentu butuh-butuh extra istirahat, sekaligus siap-siapin energi untuk mengahadapi kelas 12. dari semua liburan seru anak-anak celtic, kayaknya Fadhila El Discha (Dodoque) yang paling asyik, ya tentu saja, dia… dia… dia… liburan ke… tada…. Aussie, ih wau! Home stay disana, dan banyak cerita yang nggak bisa ditulis disini, pokoknya liburan Dodoque paling top cer! Hehehe..

Dan dun dan, ada yang seru juga ni, coz mereka liburanny bareng-bareng, ditambah lagi ini bukan sembarangan liburan, karena apa? Karena mereka datang ke akad nikah walikelas kami (kelas 11) tercinta, Bu Ayu, ye… selamat ya bu! Yang ke pernikahan ibu tu di Sumatera Barat, ada Pancul, Ayu, Indach, Ica, Vira, dan Phya, trus ada Ica Jondi (anak gothic).

Anggota baru
Pas liburan kenaikan kelas kami cemas, dengar isu-isunya kami akan diacak, dipindah-pindahin ke kelas-kelas lain. Dag dig dug, pas masuk kelas akhirnya terjawab, kami ternyata tetap.. tet toet toet! Dan yang buat nilai plus kabar baik itu, adalah anggota kelas kami di tambah, 8 makhluk. Mereka mereka adalah: Andrea Vinaldo (Susu), Irvan (Sudung), Citra Ayu (Citra), Fitria Imandha (Iphit), Inong, Namirah (Ami), Rahmatia Z (Amek), dan Triapselia (Lia). Satu yang pasti, makin sengit pergulatan di kelas.

Berita ter… ter…
Terheboh: Ega punya fan page di Facebook, Mega Almira Club. Tapi Ega sendiri nggak mau join ke page itu. Dia marah, sedih, senang, (orang gila kali ya?) waktu hari pertama dia tau ada yang buat fan page itu. Atas dasar apa, yang buat page itu? Ini alasannya:
Cuma Ega Yang Bisa
Cuma Ega Yang Bisa 2
Cuma Ega Yang Bisa 3
Kelainan atau Gaya Hidup?

Tersadis: kelas 12, istilahnya nggak ada main-main lagi. Sehingga, walikelas 12 ni, Bu Raudhati, buat pertauran yang sadis: siapapun yang remedial, dipanggil orang tuanya. (dan batas nilai minimal tu rata-rata 80, intinya yang nggak nyampe 80 nilai UH nya dipanggil orang tua. Oh tidaaaaak!! –penulis, cemas mode: ON-)


What did We Do Today?

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb..

On this Poat,
We want to tell you about ,
"What did we do this morning?"

Actually, Today's just like another day,,
We only studied Indonesian Language..

We just played,
talked with our beloved friends,
and also Fasting!

We wish Today, we had a long vacation!

That's all for today.
Another day,
We'll post about our activity ,
and also,
about our lovely Class,
and another posting,
that Insya Allah will be useful for you.
stay tune on CELTIC's blog!


Damn Severe Headache

good morning sun!
good morning teacher!
good morning my school!
i'm so crazy!
huum.. hummks..

they make us so stress!
so stress!
so stress!
so stress!
we have two test today!

ua says:
"i don't know way to my home! ooooh, i'm so confuse %("
sorry, teman kami yang satu ini emang suka sedikit melebai

after that all happened
my english, Ms. Valin comes,
(it's time to english room)
like a angel from heaven
she shines us...
o... o... oouch!
all say:
"we have seriously headache, mam! :("
she says:
"oooh... i'm putting my feet on your shoes! :)"

so, we don't study english seriously
we discuss about 'fun description'

first, the word is...
a place where a father pays and a son plays.(hmmm!)
a place to find a future soulmate.(aha! school love story)
a place which puts me in six and seven.(that's right!!!)

and then...
something which makes you poor during your life and make somebody else rich when you die. (hahaha..!)

a person who cures us with pills and kills us with bills!(boleh... boleh... haha!)
yeah... lelucon kecil ini dapat mengobati sedikit 'our headache'. ini ada pesan dari dini, kalau ujian, pr, belajar, pergi ke sekolah, dan latihan, itu harus kita lalui, harus! karena itu semua adalah tugas kita sebagai siswa, tugas! bukan resiko, bukan konsekuensi kita sebagai siswa, tapi tugas!


Tearsdrop on My guitar-Taylor Swift


G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he wont see
G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus
That I want and Im needing, everything that we should be
Em7 Cadd9
I bet shes beautiful, that girl he talks about
G Dsus
And shes got everything that I have to live without

G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause its so damn funny
G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus
That I cant even see, anyone when hes with me
Em7 Cadd9
He says hes so in love, hes finally got it right
G Dsus
I wonder if he knows hes all I think about at night

G Dsus
Hes the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em7 Cadd9
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
G Dsus Em7 Cadd9
Hes the song in the car I keep singing, dont know why I do

G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
G Em Cadd9
And there he goes so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
Em7 Cadd9
Shed better hold him tight, give him all her love
G Dsus
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

G Dsus
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em7 Cadd9
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
G Dsus Em7 Cadd9
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Em7 Cadd9
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
G Dsus
I put his picture down, and maybe get some sleep tonight

G Dsus
Cause hes the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em7 Cadd9
The only one whos got enough of me to break my heart
G Dsus Em7 Cadd9
Hes the song in the car I keep singing, dont know why I do
G Dsus
Hes the time, taken up, but theres never enough
Em7 Cadd9
And hes all that I need to fall into

G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus G
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see

G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus


Friend is...

A friend is someone who accept me as I am
A friend is someone you look up to in some way and yet you can be critical of
A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
In prosperity our friends know us,in adversity we know our friends
A friend is someone who knows you and loves you just the same
A friend is someone who cheers you up when you’re feeling down
True friends don’t drift apart even after many years of separation
Good friends are hard to find,harder to leave,and impossible to forget